Remove Windows Virus Trojan with Linux Live CD

I met my friend who gets troubled with trojan attacking his USB Flash Disk. This UFD contained important data which he needs much right now. Already trying to scan this UFD using antivirus software, but could not resolve the problem. Trying to update the virus database but still cannot resolve the problem. And then I made a suggestion to him to use Linux Live CD (whatever) to boot in to computer and then save the data in UFD then formatting that UFD.
I had two suggestion distro, first is Damn Small Linux because it is very small in size and light in speed. The second distro I suggest to my friend is Knoppix which had antivirus software built in (clamav).
Looks like he has a hope again right now, cause he looks desperately before meet me this night. Glad I can spread the Open Source spirit again this night :) Viva Linux

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